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Garden Stories exhibit on display at Pumphouse in NOTL

A reception and opportunity to meet artist Michael J.B. Black will be held at the Niagara Pumphouse Arts Centre Sunday.

Celebrated artist Michael J. B. Black's solo exhibit featuring his Garden Stories will be at the Niagara Pumphouse Arts Centre from May 29 until June 23. The public is invited to the opening reception on Sunday, June 2, 2024, from 2 to 4 p.m.

According to Aimee Medina, marketing and communications manager at the arts centre, Black's Garden Stories work delves into the rich symbolism of gardens across various traditions. He explores their complex narrative as both sites of creation and reflections of humanity's historical footprint on the world. Black's artwork examines the duality of gardens as spaces of growth and decay, where the interplay between nature and culture manifests in profound ways. He contemplates on the ever-changing relationship between the organic and the built environment, addressing pressing contemporary issues such as climate change, urbanization, and environmental degradation.

Black says he sources materials from aged walls, fragments of manuscripts, and natural elements which he crafts into textured compositions that balance meticulous planning with the spontaneity of the painting process.

His work is characterized by a fusion of late modern abstraction and post-painterly interpretation of cultural history and biomorphic forms. Each piece invites viewers to contemplate universal themes while encouraging diverse interpretations.

Reflecting on his exhibition, Michael J. B. Black shares, "Despite the complexities and challenges we face, there is hope to be found in gardens. Through Garden Stories, I aim to evoke a sense of optimism and renewal, inviting viewers to reconnect with the promise of spring and the resilience of the human spirit."

Come and view this unforgettable journey through the intersections of art, history and nature and meet the artist, who will offer remarks at around 2:30 p.m. at the opening reception on Sunday and will be available to chat with those in attendance over refreshments and nibbles. This event is supported by Château des Charmes, providing an assortment of wines.