Welcome to Auchterlonie on Astrology, a look at the week of March 11, 2021 through March 17, including the new Moon in Pisces.
On my podcast you can also find out how to obtain your own personal birth chart including a forecast for the year ahead. The podcast is at www.auchterlonieonastrology.ca.
Now, the week ahead:
Thursday, March 11: The powerful effects of yesterday’s Sun Neptune conjunction means that a creative new you is still in the making, especially now that the Moon is also in Pisces as of 9:43 a.m. Try not to be too stubborn this evening. It was March 11, 1917 that the first NHL Championship game was held. The Toronto Arenas beat the Montreal Canadiens by a score of 7 to 3. The Canadiens won the series on a two-game total goals but lost to the Seattle Metropolitans in the series final.
Friday, March 12: Charm and powerful intuition set up a day where a surprise moves long-term goals into closer range. John Abbott, Canada’s third Prime Minister, was born on March 12, 1821.
Saturday, March 13: Today, we have a new Moon at 23 degrees Pisces, conjunct Venus and Neptune, so this is truly a fairytale new Moon. Sometimes dreams do become a reality, and when the manifestation power of a new Moon meets Venus and Neptune, anything is possible. Also, Venus is conjunct Neptune at 20 degrees Pisces. Venus conjunct Neptune is the most romantic transit in astrology, and it’s just a few more years that we are lucky enough to have it in Neptune’s sign, Pisces. No matter how difficult our lives may be at the moment, Venus conjunct Neptune is a gentle reminder that when we truly connect with our hearts, we can find beauty and magic everywhere. Clyde Tombaugh announced his discovery of Pluto on March 13, 1930.
Sunday, March 14: Here is a day where work and career matters give friendly bumps that make our moods improve. Our health may also take a step up. Today is Albert Einstein’s birthday. He was born on March 14, 1879, and is the most famous of all the great theoretical physicists. His E=mc2 equationshows how matter is energy at a lesser speed.
Monday, March 15: Today, Mercury leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces. In Pisces, Mercury is imaginative and fantasy prone. Who cares about facts? When Mercury is in Pisces, facts are boring. Perhaps that’s why a record number of artists have been born with Mercury in Pisces, which can pick up nuances and subtleties that no other Mercury can. This transit is great for creative projects of any kind. Were she still on this earth, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg would be celebrating birthday number 88 today. She died Sept. 18, 2020 of pancreatic cancer.
Tuesday, March 16: The Moon moves from ‘I am’ Aries into ‘I have’ Taurus at 6:56a.m.. It’s a day when values, intuition and willpower work to maximize good things for you. The Boston Bruins great, bruising defenceman, Eddie Shore, was born on March 16, 1902.
Wednesday, March 17: Top o’ the mornin’ to ya, it’s St. Patrick’s Day. And it’s a stubborn one, courtesy of Saturn saying no to anything gifted or worked at to make life more secure. It was March 17, 832 AD that Irish pirates captured St. Patrick in England and took him to Ireland. He was 16 years old and yet to gain great fame for driving the snakes from Ireland.
Next week, it’s the Vernal Equinox on Saturday, March 20, as the Sun crosses the Equator on its way from Pisces into Aries. Spring is here!
Until then, shine on!