Welcome to Auchterlonie on Astrology, a look at the week of April 15 through April 21, including the Sun and Mercury in Taurus on Tuesday, April 20, and the First Quarter Moon on Wednesday, April 21.
On my podcast you can also find out how to obtain your own personal birth chart, including a forecast for the year ahead. The podcast is at www.auchterlonieonastrology.ca.
Now, the week ahead:
Thursday, April 15: Even though ideas are not fully in line with feelings, the most generous energy in the solar system is in a giving mood today. And that brings the promise of something new and fresh. The Titanic sank on April 15, 1912 off the coast of Newfoundland. Ray Kroc opened the first McDonald’s restaurant on April 15, 1955.
Friday, April 16: Today the Sun is at 90 degrees from Pluto at 9:26 a.m. This means that our deepest motivation is fighting with you about something you see as paramount to your happiness. Maybe it’s time to re-evaluate what we want. We first knew him as Lou Alcindor. He changed his name to Kareem Abdul Jabbar. He changed basketball in 20 years of playing for Milwaukee and the L.A. Lakers, scoring over 38,000 points. Today he turns 74.
Saturday, April 17: Today, Mercury, at 26 degrees Aries, is square Pluto, at 26° Capricorn. Mercury square Pluto can come with obsessive thoughts and power struggles. The positive manifestation of Mercury square Pluto is a depth of thought, introspection and a healthy concern with uncovering the truth. This is a great time to do deep intellectual work, investigation or research. And today, Canada turns 39. It was April 17, 1982 that Pierre Trudeau proclaimed the Canadian Constitution Act.
Sunday, April 18: Mercury is conjunct Sun at 29 degrees Aries. Mercury-Sun conjunctions (when Mercury is direct) happen in the middle of the Mercury cycle. They are similar to a full Moon, and we can well call them a full Mercury. This is when we manifest what we have started at the beginning of the Mercury cycle on Feb. 8. And happy birthday to one of the MacKenzie Brothers. Rick Moranis celebrates number 68 today. Moranis was also a Ghostbuster, a Spaceball, and lately has been singing songs.
Monday, April 19: The Sun and Mercury both enter Taurus, so we will experience a sudden energetic shift from Aries energy to Taurus energy. Taurus is all about concrete steps, and concrete results. If in the Aries season we felt inspired and came up with many ideas, now is the time to make things happen. Taurus will give us the practical intelligence and stamina we need to make our ideas a reality. It was April 19, 1927 that Mae West was arrested (in Montreal) on obscenity charges for her play (which she wrote), She Done Him Wrong, most famously known for her line, "Why don't you come up sometime and see me?" Her next two plays also put her in jail, and made her the biggest star in Hollywood and New York.
Tuesday, April 20: The Moon in proud Leo is square to Mercury, Venus, Uranus and the Sun today. Like the song said: “I (we) can’t get no satisfaction.” It was April 20, 1968 that Oscar-winning (1969) Annie Hall was released, and we saw Diane Keaton for the first time. We also saw Marshall McLuhan in a line-up in a scene in Annie Hall defending his theory, the medium is the message.
Wednesday, April 21: A stubborn middle of the week where some fear what is going down. Ask, ‘what’s the worst it could be?’ And remember, ‘there is nothing to fear, but fear itself.’ For many years the First World War flying ace, Arthur Roy Brown, was credited with shooting down Baron von Richthofen. But Brown was Canadian, and so the spoils go to a Brit on the ground.
And that’s AonA for this week. Next time we see Pluto go retrograde. And a lot more.
So, until then, shine on.