Welcome to Auchterlonie on Astrology, a look at the week of April 22, through April 28 including the full Moon in Scorpio on Monday, April 26 and a retrograde Pluto on April 27.
On my podcast you can also find out how to obtain your own personal birth chart including a forecast for the year ahead. The podcast is at www.auchterlonieonastrology.ca.
Now, the week ahead:
Thursday, April 22: Today Venus is conjunct Uranus at 10 degrees Taurus at 9:01 p.m. When have you been truly true to your heart lately? We may think we are true to ourselves, that we listen to our feelings. But sometimes it takes a Uranus transit to shake us and show us what we really want. Jack Nicholson has 12 Oscar nominations. Oh, and 84 candles on his birthday cake today.
Friday, April 23: Mars is the planet of action, and Cancer is the sign of privacy and security – our comfort zone. Mars in Cancer may seem emotional and fragile, but he’s hard as a rock and he will not hesitate to claw you if he feels threatened. Cancer is a cardinal sign after all. The upcoming six weeks are a good time to draw stronger boundaries and fight for what is important to you. Lester B. Pearson was Canada’s 14th prime minister, serving from 1963 to 1968. He also won the Nobel Peace Prize for his work in resolving the Suez Canal Crisis. He was born April 23, 1897.
Saturday, April 24: Today, Mercury is conjunct Uranus at 10 degrees Taurus. When the planet of communication meets the planet of surprises, we can expect insights and breakthroughs, a-ha moments, and important announcements. And Mercury is not the only planet that is paying a visit to Uranus. Exciting times! She was born in 1874, having written stories that continue to capture audiences around the world. Lucy Maud Montgomery, creator of Anne of Green Gables, passed on April 24, 1942.
Sunday, April 25: Today Mercury is conjunct Venus at 13 degrees Taurus. The mind and the heart become one. Your communication is more persuasive than usual, and you will find it easier to articulate your feelings. This transit is great for creative expressions of any kind. And it was 67 years ago today that Bell Laboratories unveiled the world’s first solar battery. It was only 6 per cent effective. But it is the future today.
Monday, April 26: It’s time for a full Moon at 7degrees Scorpio. The full Moon is opposite Uranus in Taurus and trine Mars in Cancer. All full Moons in Scorpio are intense by definition (we are dealing with Scorpio energy, after all), and this one is no exception. Mars in a water sign will fuel our emotions even more, while Uranus will seek an outlet for them. The landscape architect who designed Central Park in New York City, and who also urged for the creation and preservation of a park at Niagara Falls, was born April 26,1822. He was Frederick Law Olmstead.
Tuesday Apr. 27: Pluto goes retrograde today at 26 degrees Capricorn. Pluto is most powerful when it stations, so around this date, we can expect Plutonic events, issues around power, transformation, and surrender to greater forces than ourselves. You will be especially influenced by Pluto’s station if you have planets or angles around 26 degrees Capricorn. Pluto turns direct in early October. Sheila Scott is not well known but holds over 100 world records for flying airplanes solo. Around the world or over the North Pole, she was born April 27, 1922.
Wednesday, April 28: The Moon moves from sexy Scorpio into fiery Sagittarius at 11:42a.m. A stressful relationship with Mars this evening may signal a challenge for change. And it may also bring something romantic to life. Before J. K. Rowling, the best-selling novelist in English was Terry Pratchett, whose 40 plus volumes of Discworld were (and still are) a world-wide success. Terry was born on April 28, 1948.
And that’s AonA for this week.
Next up it’s the Sun conjunct Uranus on Friday, April 30.
Until then, shine on.