Welcome to Auchterlonie on Astrology, a look at the week of April 29, through May 5 including the third quarter Moon in Aquarius on Tuesday, May 3.
On my podcast you can also find out how to obtain your own personal birth chart including a forecast for the year ahead. The podcast is at www.auchterlonieonastrology.ca.
Now, the week ahead:
Thursday, April 29: With 10 connections and the Moon in Sagittarius all day, this is an over the top, upbeat Thursday. Interestingly, Mercury, planet associated with the logical thinking mind is in a friendly conversation with Neptune whose association is with our imaginative mind and our memories. This is a super creative Thursday where making practical ideas step into the real world is the order of the day. Music Master, Willie Nelson, turns 88 today. Jerry, the “Comedian in Cars Drinking Coffee” Seinfeld, celebrates birthday #67.
Friday, April 30: Today, the Sun is conjunct Uranus at 10 degrees Taurus. This aspect screams freedom, because Uranus is the planet of freedom . . . but what kind of freedom are we talking about here? Will all jump on the next plane and start it all over? Not necessarily. The freedom of a Sun-Uranus transit is the freedom to be yourself. And that means different things to different people. To some, it means starting a new career or taking some bold action. To others, it means watching more Netflix. There is no one freedom that is superior to other types of freedom. The only freedom that matters is to be unapologetically yourself. Today is the 32nd birthday of the world wide web. Yes, the internet was invented by CERN scientist, Tim Berners-Lee, on April 30, 1989.
Saturday, May 1: MAY DAY! MAY DAY! It’s a celebration of workers and springtime. Today that is underlined by a perfect harmony between the Sun in Taurus and the Moon in Capricorn. Uranus and Chiron also figure prominently and positively today. So, look for a surprise that may dig deep into the past, while also promising a brighter future. And Batman turns 82 today. The caped crusader first appeared in Detective Comics Issue #27 on May 1, 1939.
Sunday May 2: It’s a very lucky Sunday for many as a powerful Venus in Taurus gets a bump from Neptune in Pisces. Mercury and Pluto in perfect harmony gives practical progress to these cosmic gifts. This is the 10th anniversary of the death of Osama bin Laden. A Navy Seal attack in Abbottabad, Pakistan on May 2, 2011 resulted in the end of the man behind the attacks on Sept.11, 2001.
Monday, May 3: Another hugely busy day with 10 astro-connections, including Mercury moving from practical Taurus into quick-witted Gemini. And smarts are what we all need today as both the Sun and the Moon get the cold shoulder from Saturn. Be prepared to hear a lot of ‘no’ today. This is also the day of the third quarter Moon in Aquarius. We feel like we must have something futuristic but keep being offered a brush cut and a clarinet. Also, the godfather of the Canadian wrestling dynasty, the Harts, Stu Hart was born on May 3, 1915 in Saskatoon.
Tuesday, May 4: Here is a quieter, softer day than we have seen in a while. Still, there are good vibrations in spades thanks to Jupiter’s connection with the Moon. Everybody feels big and confident and relaxed. Every year Major League Baseball awards the Cy Young Trophy to the best pitcher in baseball. It was on May 4, 1904, that Boston pitcher Cy Young pitched the first perfect game in the modern era.
Wednesday, May 5: With the Moon in imaginative Pisces all day, here’s a Wednesday where both Venus and Mars ask and give. Ask us to change our attitude, if only slightly. Ask us to give and receive. (Especially romantically.) And it was May 5, 1969 that the Milwaukee Bucks made their #1 draft pick. His name? Lou Alcindor. AKA Kareem Abdul Jabbar.
And that’s AonA for now.
Next time it’s the New Moon in Gemini on May 11.
As Joni Mitchell said: “So, shine on.