Welcome to Auchterlonie on Astrology, a look at the week of May 27 through June 2, including Mercury turning retrograde on May 29 and the Sun connecting with the north node of the Moon on May 31.
On my podcast, you can also find out how to obtain your own personal birth chart including a forecast for the year ahead. The podcast is at www.auchterlonieonastrology.ca.
Now, the week ahead:
Thursday, May 27: It promises to be a stressful Thursday, as Venus and Neptune and the Moon are at three corners of a square in the sky, challenging at least one relationship to change in a couple of ways. First, to be more accommodating of big feelings. Second, to be more in touch with imagination and dreams while being less flirty and more factual. It was 21 years ago today, on May 27, 2000, that Montreal Canadiens right winger, Maurice Richard, took his last breath. Until Wayne Gretzky came along, the Rocket was the greatest player ever in the NHL.
Friday, May 28: The nagging feeling of “I’m not good enough” doesn’t need to wreck your day. Either change what is disappointing by changing your behaviour, or change the rules by which you may be too harshly judging yourself. It was May 28, 1934 in Callandar, Ont. that five girls were born to the Dionne family, the first quintuplets known to have survived infancy.
Saturday, May 29: Today, Mercury goes retrograde at 24 degrees Gemini, and just before it changes direction, Mercury conjuncts Venus, also at 24 degrees Gemini. Most of the time, Mercury is faster than Venus, but this time, it is Venus that applies to Mercury. We will first feel or experience something (Venus), and then try to make sense of what happened (Mercury). You can have an experience that will turn you upside down. This experience can be so powerful, so emotionally and sensorially stimulating, that you may need weeks to process it. But this is what we have Mercury retrograde for. Mercury turns direct on June 22, 2021. Mary Pickford, the Toronto-born actress who was the darling of Hollywood in the Roaring Twenties, died on May 29, 1979. I had the honour of meeting her when I was a film student at York University five years before she passed away. She was the guest of the Dean of the Film Department, James Beveridge, and she hosted a Q&A session for fourth year students. She was one of the founders of United Artists, along with Charlie Chaplin, D.W. Griffith and Douglas Fairbanks.
Sunday, May 30: Sometimes willpower seems more like ‘won’t’ power and today is one of those days! Something needs to change, and there is enough positivity in the cosmos today to change a lot. Go for the best! It was May 30, 1920 that Canadian actor John Heawood was born. He is known for his work on Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968), The Slipper and the Rose: The Story of Cinderella (1976,) and Better Late! (1958). He died on December 11, 1995 in England.
Monday, May 31: At the end of the month, the Sun is the last planet to greet the north node of the Moon. The Sun has had quite a tough time this month: Mercury, Venus, and even Mars, planets that used to listen to Sun’s directives, have been totally out of control. They have been out of the bounds of the Sun. The Sun is now left with the “What was that all about?” “What if – only if, is it me that needs to change?“ The Sun is the most predictable planet in astrology. it always rises and sets in the skies. It gives us the seasons, the signs and the houses. The Sun is pretty much the backbone of astrology, and the manager of our natal chart. The Sun sets the direction. The Sun is our life purpose. And now, when the Sun meets with the north node of purpose, this overall direction of our life is actualized and upgraded. Just like when we install a new software update on our computer, Sun conjunct north node can feel sluggish at the beginning. The new features may be difficult to learn at first. But it won’t take long until we will not only get used to it, but wonder how we have been living without it all this time. In June, when we will have a total solar eclipse in Gemini, this new direction will become clearer. Today Clint Eastwood turns 91. As usual, he’ll ask somebody to ‘make my day.’
Tuesday, June 1: The Moon moves from Aquarius into Pisces today, but there’s not a lot happening other than the shift from things beginning to feel less electric and begin to feel a lot more dreamy. Today, Ottawa-born Alanis Morrissette celebrates her birthday. Now 47, she has sold over 60 million albums and has won 16 Junos and seven Grammys.
Wednesday, June 2: As Venus moves from lively Gemini into homey Cancer, the central focus is on healing an old wound. Today is the third quarter Moon in Pisces, adding a challenge to that healing project. And it was 68 years ago today that Princess Elizabeth was crowned as Queen of the British Empire, in a lavish ceremony at Westminster Abby in London, England.
And that’s AonA for this week. Next time it’s Venus and Jupiter along with the Sun and Saturn connecting, as we head towards the solar eclipse on June 10.
Until then, “We are stardust. We are golden. So, shine on.”