On Monday, March 6, 2023, Councillor Gary Burroughs, on his own initiative, brought to the attention of the Town’s Chief Administrative Officer a concerning incident with a citizen that occurred two days earlier on March 4, 2023.

Councillor Burroughs also reported the incident to the Town’s Integrity Commissioner and the Niagara Regional Police Service (NRPS).

The Town’s Chief Administrative Officer officially informed Council of the incident at its next regularly scheduled meeting held on March 20, 2023.

At that meeting, which Councillor Burroughs recused himself from in accordance with the Town’s conflict guidelines, Council decided the matter warranted investigation and directed the CAO to bring the incident to the attention of the Integrity Commissioner and the police.

The NRPS investigated the incident and decided not to pursue any criminal charges related to the incident.

Additionally, the Integrity Commissioner concluded that there are no grounds before him to warrant further investigation.

Accordingly, Council has concluded that the matter is closed.

Town Council acknowledges Councillor Burroughs’ role in reporting the incident in a timely manner.

Council thanks Councillor Burroughs and his family for their patience as the matter was investigated and for cooperation throughout the process to ensure all proper steps were taken.