Joan King: Life is fragile , precious and unpredictable, and each day is a gift. Create many friendships because every person and every moment is a chance to learn, connect and grow. Be passionate about what you do, setting an example that will inspire others. Always say something good to yourself, choosing your words wisely. And on your journey be kind, appreciate animals and nature, give back by helping others by volunteering, laugh and enjoy.
Debb Hodgkinson: Dearest Debbie, Always remember the secret to being happy is being grateful. Perspective is everything. Look around and see heaven and then 'Live like there's heaven on earth.' Stay true to your authentic self. Enjoy the journey, every day is a gift, refusing to have a good day is on you. Sent with love from your old self, Debb Hodgkinson xox
Debbie Dunn and her daughter Kate Dunn-Flynn: Kate says "One lesson my mum and I both share is that of impermanence. We often say 'this too shall pass' in reference to a negative or painful event, with hope that it brings the receiver of that message comfort knowing that there is a finality on the horizon, but impermanence applies to everything in life, including the beautiful, wonderful, enriching experiences. Everything is fleeting and has an end, so enjoy the present moment. Remember that life is short, so do the things you love every day that bring you joy.
Deborah Craig: You could do well to cut toxic family members out of your life for your own peace of mind.
Sandra O'Connor: When I was asked what advice I would give to my younger self, I really had to think about that one – tough, thought-provoking question. After pondering, I would say – have faith in yourself. Many people will give you advice. But in the end, you have to have the confidence that only you can make the decision for you. I was told 'Oh don’t take that job. The grass only looks greener on the other side.' Well, I took the job and the grass was greener. Don’t be afraid to try new things and don’t be afraid to fail. Learn from mistakes. Don’t compare yourself to others, because you are one of a kind, and you matter. Keep curious about the world and keep learning. Enjoy each day – focus on the present. Be kind to others. Stand up for yourself. At the end of the day, you have to believe in yourself! To younger Sandra, appreciate every day as a gift.
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