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Few options for senior housing in NOTL

Next Learn & Live session at the NOTL Public Library to discuss the housing dilemma for seniors who want to leave their single family homes, but hope to stay in town.

Cindy Grant will be providing on overview of the grassroots Senior Housing Options group at the next Learn & Live seminar, Monday, March 24.

Grant will also provide an update on the most recent discussions and activities of the group and describe options that have been researched and may be available to residents.

Grant said that the group, which does not have “official status,” has been meeting since 2023. It started as a group of like-minded individuals who agreed there was a problem, and began meeting to discuss and strategize solutions for the core issue facing seniors in our community. Their next step was to take a survey of what residents were looking for, with results that showed they were on the right track — seniors were looking for options that are hard to find in Niagara-on-the-Lake.

“When seniors no longer wish to live in their single family homes, but desire to remain in the NOTL community, there are little or no alternatives available,” said Grant.

“It’s important – no one that we’ve talked to disagrees with this statement,” she said.

Grant will present a summary of the results from the survey that was conducted in late 2023, and the actions that have been taken since then.

“The options are not a ‘one size fits all’ solution,” she said, “so I’ll spend the bulk of the time explaining the variety of options that may be available to residents, i.e. aging at home with the right supports, cooperative housing, alternative dwelling units — granny flats, secondary home, tiny home, and retirement residence.”

Register for the Learn & Live seminar by visiting the events page on the Niagara-on-the-Lake Library website. It will be held in the Rotary Room at the library from 6:30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m.


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