The Local asked all municipal candidates for the Oct. 24 election to submit some information about themselves, which The Local has printed free of charge in our printed edition, and is posted here, online, in one document so you can find everything you need to know in one place. Be informed when you get out to vote!
This article has been updated to remove Regional Council candidate Pat Darte from the election campaign. An email from Darte Friday said "I just want you to know that I have officially taken my name off the nomination list for the 2022 NOTL election. It will still be on the ballot though. Please let everyone know not to vote under my name." No reason was given for his withdrawal from the race.
Mayoral Candidate Betty Disero: we're on a good path, but more works needs to be don
I have been involved in municipal volunteerism and leadership since 1985; initially as a Toronto councillor (1985 to 2003), and more recently as a town councillor from 2014 to 2018, and lord mayor of Niagara-on-the-Lake since then.
Throughout my career, I have demonstrated impeccable integrity, hard-working, proven leadership through an inclusive, pragmatic and conciliatory approach to planning, and solving problems in managing your municipal government.
I attend many events in the community and belong to a long list of distinguished organizations: NOTL Rotary, Shaw Guild, NOTL Town Ambassadors, Friends of Fort George, NOTL Historical Society, the NOTL Horticultural Society and the NOTL Social Club. I am a full-time lord mayor.
My priorities for council are financial accountability, finalizing our vision and continuous improvement to town service infrastructure.
I have increased and will continue to increase the capital reserve to help protect taxpayers from unforeseen expenditures. I have put controls and spending freezes in place until expenditures are justified through business cases and increasing revenue streams like the Municipal Accommodation Tax (MAT) to ensure tourism is helping to pay for tourism infrastructure.
I am near completion on our planning objectives to protect both our natural and built form heritage, encouraging to maintain a village feel in all of our settlement areas, and protecting our vibrant farms. The Tourism Master Plan is also set to come out next spring. These plans must be looked at in an integrated way, not in isolation.
When the Glendale District Plan was approved, it plotted out the areas to protect greenspace, places of natural heritage and spaces for public amenities first. This was a good process. Our work is continuing on the Glendale Secondary Plan. It will include a main street with cafes, shops and bike paths. I will be collaborating with the Region to ensure it is not over-developed.
I, together with town councillors, started a process to determine what should be built on the old hospital site. It is a significant piece of land and will have a great impact on our community. I will be engaging with the community, soliciting input on proposals.
I will continue to improve parks (we improved seven parks this term) together with our community partners. We must look at increasing activity for our young families.
Healthcare will form a large discussion this coming term. I have received a commitment from Niagara Health System for a new nurse practitioner for primary care who will serve residents in Niagara-on-the-Lake who do not have a doctor.
Although council approved a project called Tapestry - assisted living for seniors - it did not proceed due to the impacts from COVID. I, together with town council, must now search more diligently for an alternate solution.
We have come a long way. We are on a good path. We must now finish what we started.
Mayoral candidate Vaughn Goettler: priorities include transparency, accountability
After having attained three degrees from both McMaster University and University of Toronto I became a successful entrepreneurial businessman. Those who know me are aware that I come from inauspicious beginnings and that I worked hard for what I achieved. I am truly blessed to have achieved the level of success that I have experienced, but it didn’t happen by chance. Rather, I planned it and worked for it.
I know for certain that I have the education, skills, ability and experience to address the challenges facing NOTL today.
I subscribe to Hoda A. Kamel’s analysis of how a business person melds with a politician:
“In business you have to understand your clients. In politics, you have to understand your constituents, in exactly the same way. Ultimately, to be relevant in both business and politics, you have to be able to appeal to the needs of your target market.” “A good marketer always understands the environment in which the business operates.
A good marketer understands the economics of the business, the regulations and rules surrounding the venture, the social environment, along with demographics, and lastly, the technological environment. A successful politician also needs to do the same amount of research to understand the environment in which they operate. They need to know what is going on around them at all times. Change is inevitable and one has to have their pulse on the environment.”
As lord mayor, my mandate would achieve success based upon the following:
I will be a lord mayor who leads and works collaboratively, and with respect for council members and town staff. Council is elected democratically by our residents to represent all constituents. Constituents are heard through their council members, including the lord mayor.
Our town deserves accountable and transparent leadership. Whether it’s our town’s finances; tourism strategy (including parking solutions); legal disputes; St. Davids’ round-about; obstructive posts on Four Mile Creek Road; Glendale District Plan; the so-called ‘spill’ on Line 6; the Traffic Plan, or our negotiations with the region and province, etc. Our residents deserve to know the whole picture, and should expect competent, effective decision-making with sustainable strategies. These issues need to be understood thoroughly and negotiated wisely with the various stakeholders, and then communicated openly with residents.
The history of NOTL is very important to me and to my family. We live in, and respect, our heritage home and our heritage town. The pace of development has quickened in recent years. Although necessary, progress needs to be managed wisely and consistently. Development fees should go towards services and amenities based on the assessment of our communities’ priorities, into the future.
NOTL has two councillors on regional council. As lord mayor, one of these positions would fall to me. I would be strongly active on regional council, looking out for the interests of all NOTL communities and our natural resources. I would ensure that residents are informed of how 60 per cent of their tax dollars paid to the region result in relevant services and amenities.
Our town needs a tourism and growth strategy that is built to last for future generations. Past generations have worked diligently to build our town into what it is, and we need to respect that. However, we cannot continue to erode our town’s unique identity and risk our sovereignty with unwise policy. Tourism must work for tourists and residents alike.
Mayoral Candidate Gary Zalepa promises leadership for council, community
I have been a resident of Niagara-on-the-Lake since moving here as a teenager. I was a town councillor from 2008 to 2014, and have been the town’s regional councillor for the past four years. I have served on many committees, to name a few: chair, NOTL urban design committee; chair, Region of Niagara budget committee of the whole; chair, Region of Niagara housing committee.
Following high school I studied business and political science at Brock University. My wife Tammy and I live in the Old Town with our two sons, Nathan and Benjamin. I have more than 30 years business and volunteer experience. I have owned a local real estate brokerage, managed a large corporate firm in Toronto and now work from my home office for a national real estate company as vice-president of brand expansion.
I have volunteered in many capacities, including referee and coach for NOTL Minor Hockey; coach of NOTL Minor Soccer; board member, Music Niagara; RiverBrink Art Museum; chair, 809 Newark Squadron sponsor committee, Royal Canadian Air Cadets and St. Mark’s Church.
I have always found ways to get involved, work with others and make things better. In my professional life and community involvement I gravitated to opportunities which built character and experience. My business experience and time on town council and regional council, including the various committee and boards, allows me to positively impact the community. I am experienced in leading functional meetings and ensuring healthy conversations. All participants need to be engaged, feeling that they contribute, and make a difference.
I believe that public engagement in our community is damaged, and residents’ confidence in council is at risk. During this term, the town has witnessed a council member resignation and multiple councillors are not wishing to seek re-election. They cite lengthy, unproductive meetings and personal time commitments. Several senior staff have left town employment or been removed. This is a symptom of poor governance.
During my past years on councils, I was able to voice my opinion in a fair and respectful environment, unconcerned about being isolated or bullied. A difference of opinion was accepted, in fact it made for better decisions and did not become a personal character issue. Today we have a dysfunctional culture that is harmful to our communities, damaging the Niagara-on-the-Lake image and impacting our sustainability. I promise to deliver leadership to council and the community, leadership that will listen, engage in the issues that we will face, and treat opinions and public with respect and fairness.
I will lead council to identify its intentions in a collaborative strategic plan, developed at the beginning of our term, bringing sustainability and focus back to local government.
Council Candidate Tim Balasiuk: Family’s past, future enerations behind desire to preserve town
Having the privilege of growing up in the hospitality and tourism industry, I have had the fortunate opportunity of being raised in a community that has seen tremendous growth in all sectors, agriculture to hospitality.
Having worked myself at a number of local hotels and wineries, including the Pillar & Post, which was founded by my grandfather in the 1970s — he had a vision to convert the former canning factory to a hotel.
Seeing the value of future tourism in our community is something that is in my blood. My grandfather had a passion for doing things right, and because of this I am interested in running for council. Not only do I feel like I owe it to my family, but to my community. If I have the opportunity to have a say in the future of Niagara-on-the-Lake I feel obligated to play a part in it. I currently reside in town with my wife Michelle of 15 years, also a lifelong resident. My wife and I are both entrepreneurs, owner and operators of Paddle Niagara, which we founded 10 years ago. Seasonally our company hosts summer kids camps, teaching kids about water safety on the Niagara River and Lake Ontario, while providing access to the water for locals and tourists alike.
I love this town, and strongly feel a responsibility for preserving it, both in recognition of my family’s role in its history but also my desire to make it the best it can be for future generations. My name is Tim Balasiuk and I seek your support Oct. 24.
Council Candidate Allan Bisback: Transportation, tourism, recreation need clear plans
My name is Allan Bisback, and I am currently serving on your council. Raised in southern Ontario, moved to Niagara-on-the-Lake over 15 years ago, I retired from a career in the retail business and Canada Post Corporation.
For nearly 10 years, my wife Lori of 44 years and I operated a very successful bed and breakfast in Old Town.
During my working career, I was responsible for deploying significant change throughout the organizations. That included thoroughly understanding the challenges, collaborating with all the interested parties, and ensuring action was taken. I have used those same skills on behalf of our residents this past four years.
I want to help change the way our town makes decisions for our future. It’s important to have a clear plan on transportation, tourism, and recreation so we can decide what we want to look like in 10 to 15 years. I have chaired the Audit and Finance Committee, which I believe has strengthened the town’s financial position. I participated in the strategic plan, represented the town on the library and museum boards, served as member of Municipal Heritage Committee, Heritage Trail Committee, and many others.
We need a town council who listens and collaborates to achieve the best outcome for the most people. One that makes well-informed decisions, and that works with our residents, no matter where they live in Niagara-on-the-Lake. While we don’t need to agree, council members need to read their briefs, attend, and debate.
My track record the past four years demonstrates I take the role seriously. I make decisions based on facts, not emotion.
I would like to be a champion for all the residents of NOTL and help move our community in the right direction. I am seeking your support as town councillor.
[email protected]; Home 905.468.8550; Cell 289.241.9977;
Council Candidate Gary Burroughs: Threats of progress, change, never greater for NOTL
For more than 50 years, I have lived, worked and raised my family in Niagara-on-the-Lake. During that time I owned and operated the Oban Inn, where we enjoyed serving many members of the community and their families. I was drawn into politics as lord mayor (2000-2010), regional councillor (2010-2018), and as town councillor (2018-2022). Throughout the past 22 years of service, I have developed a deep and valuable understanding of our strengths and challenges. At this point we are at a critical stage. We must immediately address: the Official Plan, including revisions to the zoning bylaw with streetscape; the transportation plan to address parking and traffic; the tourism strategy to navigate this changing industry; and clarification on the new municipal accommodation tax (MAT).
Growth must be better managed so developers are clear on what the town expects and requires. Significant changes to proposed plans cannot continue to be adjusted once plans have been approved.
The town must address development issues at Randwood, Parliament Oak School, as well as the old hospital site. We must support tourism by ensuring our visitors stay at our lodgings, eat at our restaurants, enjoy our wineries and visit our historic sites, including the Shaw Festival Theatre. We must also manage the impact of tourism, including short term rentals.
World-class farms, nurseries, vineyards and wineries, continue to thrive in our rural areas. We must support them on issues including viability, threats (such as phragmites), the protection of water sources and the enforcement of land fill regulations.
Over the years we have managed to navigate NOTL through pressures of progress and immense change. Today, however, these threats have never been greater. I have the context with which to meet these challenges and I will dedicate myself to working together to lead this town into the future. Please vote for me on Oct. 24.
Council Candidate Adriana Cater-Vizzari: Rely on me for good governance, collaboration and civility
Many people have asked why I want to be part of our town council, and why now. Community building is who I am; and connecting with and being in service of people, especially when it comes to the betterment of our community, is what I do best. I love this town and I am deeply committed to its well-being both today and in the future.
I live in St. Davids with my husband Cory and our four children. (Yes, I am a mom of four and yes, I have time for this.) Niagara-on-the-Lake has seen and continues to see exponential growth. While this growth is exciting, it must be carefully managed. Managing growth while preserving the heritage that makes our town so special, is a critical task. A formal growth strategy — one that is strong, sustainable and balanced, and that takes into account all of Niagara-on-the-Lake — is essential. St. Davids has more than tripled in size in the last decade, yet currently lacks representation on council. This needs to change.
What can you rely on me for? You can rely on me to prioritize good governance on council, this includes collaboration and civility both on council and with town staff. You can also rely on me to raise awareness, listen, and advocate; to ensure an equitable process where all interests are accounted for and all information has been gathered when it comes to the issues that matter to you and our town. You can rely on me to respond when you reach out, and to get you an answer. I am community driven and action oriented. I have the interest, energy and skill-set to act on your behalf and it would be a privilege to do so. [email protected] 289-236-0670
Council Candidate Wendy Cheropita: Committed to preserving heritage, farmland, culture
I was born and raised in Niagara, and earned a business degree, with post-graduate studies in strategic planning and finance.
I spent 20 years in leadership roles with top global wine companies, including roles in education, national accounts, brand management and strategy. The experience helped me build valuable business skills and shaped my personal integrity. I then spent six years leading the branding and marketing strategy for the Ontario wine industry, delivering growth and over $5 million in annual marketing funding from the province. For seven years I have been a small business strategic planning consultant.
I am committed to preserving our heritage, neighbourhood character, farmland, and cultural resources that make Niagara-on-the-Lake a great place to live, raise a family, and retire. I have learned so much in the past four years, and want to put the experience to good use.I am proud to highlight four accomplishments. I took a tough stand to create a bylaw to stop cannabis from growing here to protect valuable farmland and residential communities. I proposed the successful Town Ambassador Program, rather than hire more bylaw officers. As co-chair of the strategic planning committee I took a leadership role to ensure that customer service and preservation of heritage became a priority, and I collaborated with residents throughout the community leading to improved road safety.
If elected I will be a champion for creating a community vision to define what we want built and where we want to build it. Our community needs seniors’ residences, rental apartments for retirees, services and schools for families.
You have told me that you want to see the big issues prioritized, like fixing the planning policies to preserve our neighbourhood character. We can do that by implementing the Community Permit Planning System, expanding the heritage district, and returning to contextual zoning.
Residents and council need a voice in the decision-making process at the region to tackle the current situation in St.Davids. The Glendale development will impact all of us. Let’s ensure it is something we can all be proud of.
Council needs to complete outstanding projects like the short-term rental bylaw, and the tourism strategy, to address issues and protect quality of life.
I want to keep tax increases low, and ensure funding is there for major infrastructure projects. I will use my experience wisely.
Council Candidate AJ Harlond: promises an honest voice for everyone
I grew up in a small town in England called Shifnal, and left there in my late teens to come to Canada. I discovered Niagara-on-the-Lake when I landed an acting role at the Shaw Festival and instantly fell in love with this quaint town. The small-town feel and amazing history drew me in, and I knew right then, this place was something special.
Little did I know I’d still be living here 25 years later, married to Irene, a born and raised local farm girl, and raising two children, Evan and Brooke, who are now in their teens. Throughout my time here, I’ve seen firsthand how the grape growing industry operates, as my wife’s family were grape growers for over 60 years right here in NOTL. They have owned and operated an automotive repair shop for the past 40 years on the same property. I have helped manage and grow the
business for the past 18 years.
Most of our customers are NOTL residents and farmers whom I have built some great relationships with. I’m involved in the fire department at the Glendale Station and have proudly served over eight years as a firefighter in our community.
My vision is to foster a community that is personally invested and engaged in the preservation and enhancement of the unique heritage of NOTL, while meeting the needs of a well-planned and executed growth strategy that is consistent with the character of NOTL and the desires of its residents. As a member of council, I am confident that I will bring an energetic, pragmatic perspective and approach so we can strike the necessary balance of the interests of the communities and various stakeholders, and so we can achieve healthy growth, balanced with the preservation of our great history. Phone : 905-401-4855 email : [email protected]
Council Candidate Maria Mavridis says priorities include: balanced tourism, families, culture, heritage
I moved to Niagara-on-the-Lake 30 years ago. My family has owned and operated businesses on Queen Street for just as long. After graduating from Niagara District Secondary School, I studied business marketing. I have lived in Old Town, Glendale and presently in Virgil where my daughter Hope attends Crossroads School.
I have volunteered in the community through the Niagara Nursery School board, the NOTL Museum fundraising committee, and as an advisor on the Lord Mayor’s Youth Advisory Committee, and continue to raise funds for Niagara charities with Anchor Niagara.
I believe that we are one community, and all decisions at council should be made collaboratively with input from residents, business owners and tourism partners.
My priorities for this town are a balanced tourism sector, young families, and preserving our culture and heritage, which includes our agricultural community.
I am very excited and supportive of the new NOTL Youth Hub and would like to see a more balanced recreational activities plan for both young and older residents.
Our youth are the future of this town and while we preserve the past, we need to ensure that we set a future for the next generation., [email protected]
Council Candidate John McCallum: Innovation, financial responsibility, tough decisions
I was born in Ottawa and had a nomadic accounting career working in New Zealand, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, and London. This came to an abrupt end on a ski vacation in Austria where I met a red-haired Irish businesswoman who stole my heart while learning to ski. Three children later, back in Ottawa, I accepted a position as senior internal auditor with McKinsey & Co, the world’s leading management consulting firm.
To be successful McKinsey had to do three things consistently for every client: solve problems with innovative but practical ideas; be financially responsible by building a budget and sticking to it; make tough decisions. That’s what I did every day for 12 years.
I want to do the same here. I have three top priorities: to develop guidelines that protect our neighbourhood character while facilitating growth; to complete a transportation plan which reduces vehicular use; and to create more supported living environments for the elderly.
To implement these priorities, we need input from the town and the development community, to establish clear rules related to development. This includes contextual zoning, heritage designation, set-backs, height restrictions etc. Then we need to create and communicate a clear set of rules that everyone must follow.
We need to bring visitors, not cars, into our town. I want to build a plan that includes links to mass transit and remote parking with shuttles, which can also be used by local residents for getting about town. Our region depends on the health of our environment and transportation is irrevocably linked to climate change.
We are all getting older, and we must plan for it. The town has assets it can use to promote aging in place as well as creating modern healthcare facilities. We need to use innovative thinking around ownership and cost-sharing to create a plan and execute it.
A quote I live by: If you see a problem, fix it, or tell someone who can. 905-468-0812
Council Candidate Richard Mell offers rational voice, common sense, consistency
I am so thankful to have lived and worked in Niagara-on-the-Lake for the past 12 years, and would be grateful for the opportunity to represent all of the residents and small businesses within our community.
As co-owner of Grape Escape Wine Tours, and also a real estate broker with Sotheby’s International Realty Canada, I will be a strong advocate for preserving the communities’ unique history and heritage, whilst planning for our future generations with sustainable growth.
I currently live on York Road in St Davids with my partner Karl, and our Newfoundland dog Junior.
I was driven to run for town council by my passion for our entire community. This is not about what I want to do as a town councillor, it is about you! I want to be the very best representative for the community that I can be. My role as town councillor will be to listen to your concerns, amplify your voices, and ensure that they are heard and addressed in the most efficient and effective way possible.
I would like to add a rational voice, guided by common sense and consistency, that is also capable of seeing things through multiple lenses to reach the best outcome. My focus and strategy would be to move away from the reactive approach that we often see, and be proactive and address some of the systematic failures and weaknesses that appear to cause so many concerns for our residents.
We live in a very special part of the world, and we need people who are willing to represent its residents and businesses that are as passionate about the Niagara-on-the-Lake as I am. I would sincerely appreciate your support on Oct. 24. Please reach out anytime with any questions you may have. [email protected]
Council Candidate Sandra O'Connor: priorities are healthcare, sustainable communities, tourism
t has been a privilege to serve you on council for two-plus years. I was raised in the Niagara region and completed my bachelor’s degree in geography and urban planning at Brock University. Over my career, I acquired experience in management and consultancy for multiple scientific organizations in the government,
private sector, professional associations, and academia. In particular, running my own geomatics consulting company gave me experience in developing, growing and maintaining a successful business.
I have always been at the service of my community, from neighbourhood community association president, member of professional organizations, to various municipal committees. I believe in giving back and supporting people.
My family is very supportive: daughter Kelly, son-in-law Christian, stepdaughter Claire and stepson Neil.
My priorities: sustainable community by balancing growth needs with environmental health and heritage; finalize the Official Plan; complete secondary plans and zoning by-laws, including contextual zoning and variable density; ensure that all plans are complementary; explore extending the heritage district and designations; protect agricultural land; consider low impact development and green infrastructure; increase our tree canopy and ensure adequate green spaces in the urban environment; implement the NOTL Climate Change Adaptation Plan; and ensure new infrastructure projects use engineering standards for increased climate parameters create environmental policy based on evidence.
In healthcare: finalize transition plan for nurse practitioner and walk-in clinic and dvocate for future infrastructure needs for our Town to thrive. Sustainable tourism: a balance of socio-cultural, economic and environmental elements; complete the NOTL Tourism Strategy document, addressing the needs of residents, visitors, industry, and environment; fully implement the MAT; explore hop-on hop-off shuttle for tourists with parking outside of Old Town; implement traffic-calming features to increase safety; strengthen bylaw enforcement; and examine short-term rental density, increasing enforcement.
Vote for Sandra; vote for NOTL’s future while respecting the past. Facebook: sandraoconnornotl
Council Candidate Katherine Reid: Preserving heritage, supporting agri-tourism are priorities
I enjoy helping others and making the community a better place to live. While in school, I developed a passion for keeping agricultural land viable and maintaining a safe environment. I studied geography and statistics at McMaster University.
I feel I can have a good understanding for the town’s planning department. Spending most of my spare time volunteering, I comprehend the needs of the community. I have taken a step back from some of my Lions activities to concentrate on the town and want to help the community I live in.
I was on the town’s agriculture and safety committees and I enjoy my time learning more at each meeting. I have been to many of the open houses and respect the views and desires of the residents. I am a person concerned about preserving the cultural and historical heritage of the town. I want to support agri-tourism, especially with the smaller producers. I want to see Niagara-on-the-Lake stay one of Canada’s prettiest towns.
I am a winemaker, and have worked in NOTL since 1981. I received the 2015 town volunteer award for working with youth, as I have been involved in many projects with Lions. They include effective speaking and being the provincial LEO chair, and I ran several successful conferences across Ontario. I received the international award for this work. I have worked with youth, seniors and small businesses and would like to continue to help them and their needs. I have lived in Old Town on William Street and now live in Queenston.
I may be moving slowly while I wait for my new hip, so I understand the delays in the health system personally.
My name is Katherine Reid and I would appreciate your vote on Oct. 24.
905-401-1689 [email protected] message Facebook page
Council Candidate: Leadership experience and track record of success
I am excited to be afforded the opportunity to continue to serve the community that I have lived in for most of my life and the place my family considers home. A lifelong learner, I have completed a Master of Arts in leadership through the University of Guelph, a graduate certificate from the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill in community preparedness and disaster management, and am a graduate of Ryerson University’s politics and public administration program.
Recently, I completed a certificate program in diversity and inclusion through Cornell University. I am also the recipient of the Fire Services Exemplary Service Medal, issued by the Governor General of Canada.
I look forward to working with our lord mayor, councillors, community stakeholders, and our committed team of staff and volunteers. Strong municipal leadership is a by-product of elected officials with attributes, characteristics, values, and qualities that will contribute to the short-term and long-term well-being of their community.
While out canvassing and speaking with members of the community, I am hearing many speak to the need for candidates that are “from here.” While I can appreciate this sentiment, I think a better description of what is desired is candidates that value what Niagara-on-the-Lake was, have an appreciation for the unique quality of life that it offers, and are committed to protecting the very elements that have made it so special to all of us.
That being said, many who are not “from here” also share this very same appreciation for our community.
My experience leading complex organizations and my strong understanding of municipal operations, my track record of success, and my longstanding roots in our community will be vital to our future success. Furthermore, I have demonstrated throughout my life strong character and moral conviction. I am committed to building high-performing teams and have proven myself as a fierce advocate of continuous improvement through citizen-centric service delivery.
Lastly, throughout my time as part of the senior management team for the town, I demonstrated that I am community-minded, outcome-focused, strategic, analytical, and a consensus builder.
On Oct. 24, don’t vote for me because I am “from here,” vote for me because I exhibit the characteristics, attributes, values, and qualities that are critical for effective municipal leadership. [email protected] 416-712-0580
Council Candidate Erwin Wiens: Advocate for agriculture, sustainable budget, collaboration
Born and raised in Niagara-on-the-Lake, I attended elementary and high school in town before going to Carleton University, where I met Dorothy. We have four daughters and just last year welcomed a son-in-law into the family.
I grew up in a farming family and now farm 90 acres of grapes. In 2020 I retired from the Hamilton Police Service with 31 years service, including five years at Peel. I have been a board member of the Grape Growers of Ontario since 2015 and also serving on the board of the Grape and Wine Festival until 2021. Dorothy and I are members of the Niagara Lions Club where I serve as the president, and we are members of Cornerstone Community Church.
Currently I chair the regional irrigation committee and the GGO sustainability committee. I sit on the Town agriculture and irrigation committees and am on the craft winery sustainability committee. As a town councillor for the past four years, I have striven to represent the entire town of Niagara-on-the- Lake. My knowledge in law enforcement, farming and as a current councillor will continue to be an asset with my unique skill set. I am a strong advocate for farming and will continue to champion the Greenbelt and a sustainable irrigation system. I will continue the dialogue on a holistic tourism industry that listens to all voices and acts for a healthy and vibrant town for residents, businesses and tourists. Furthermore, I have 22 years background in fiscally responsible budgets. The town requires a sustainable budget that represents the responsible and prudent use of the taxpayer purse.
I also have many years of experience collaborating with municipal, regional, provincial and federal representatives. These relationships will benefit town strategies moving into the future.
nt NOTL and work for you to improve our community.
Regional Council Candidate Andrea Kaiser: offering skills, knowledge, experience
I am running to represent Niagara-on-the-Lake on Niagara regional council because I have the skills, knowledge, and experience required to deliver meaningful results for the residents of our community, starting on day one.
I have spent my life living in, working in, and serving our community, all of which positions me well to be a strong and authentic voice for Niagara-on-the-Lake at the region.
During the last term of regional council, there have been multiple examples of the region making decisions about our community without adequate regard for the views of our community.
The region’s recent decision to install bollards on Four Mile Creek Road without reportedly notifying the town is one example of this misguided approach.
Regardless of the merits or demerits of the decision itself, the town, lord mayor, and regional councillor should always be consulted. If elected, I will work hard to change this “top-down” approach to decision-making at the region to ensure our community’s voice is respected.
I intend to bring the same open, authentic, and balanced approach to representing our community at the region that I used while serving as a town councillor in Niagara-on-the-Lake for three terms.
During my tenure, I championed civic engagement, heritage preservation, economic development and environmental conservation. I also earned a reputation as someone who would respond directly to the concerns of residents. Even when a resident disagreed with my position, they came to respect my willingness to sit down and honestly explain my rationale — something I think we could use more of in local government.
My vast experience serving our community in various capacities over the past 25 years equips me with a detailed understanding of the issues facing our community. During my service on council, I chaired the following standing committees: public works, planning, corporate services, and taxation. I have also served on the Municipal Heritage Committee, NOTL Library board, as vice-chair of the Chamber of Commerce, and chairperson of Wineries of Niagara-on-the-Lake. I presently serve as the chair of the Ontario Sustainable Winegrowing Certification Program.
Beyond my service and volunteerism, I am a local businessperson who has owned and/or operated small businesses in our community for many years. Currently, I am the proprietor of Drea’s Wine Co., which produces award-winning wines of international acclaim right here in Niagara-on-the-Lake. I also have a B.A. in history and political science from the University of Guelph.
As a small business owner, community leader, former town councillor, and local volunteer I am ready to hit the ground running on behalf of Niagara-on-the-Lake! I am committed to helping to build a bright future for our community based on the three pillars of sustainability: economic prosperity, environmental protection and social inclusion. I pledge to provide strong and authentic leadership, and a steadfast focus on achieving results for our community.
Regional Council Candidate Paolo Miele; issues include taxes, jobs, road safety
I have been a lifelong resident of Niagara-on-the-Lake. I was a town councillor from 2014 to 2018, and I have served on several committees: vice-chair of NOTL Community Policing Committee, chair, NOTL budget committee, long-time member of the Virgil Business Association, and an active volunteer with the Virgil Stampede.
My wife Adriana and I live in rural St. Davids with our three children. Sophia and Felicia attend university in Ottawa and Toronto and Michael is in Grade 6 at St. Davids Public School. I have 25 years in business, we own The Good Eats Diner and we are grape growers.
There are several regional issues important to Niagara-on-the-Lake. People have been talking to me about property taxes, economic stability and jobs, road safety and traffic, the need for more police officers in town, transit, long-term care, more medical services, agriculture, and expansion to our irrigation system.
My experience on the town council and my years of business experience are what is needed in the region, and together we will do it.
I get things done. Let’s make it happen! I will work with other rural mayors and regional councillors to get our fair share of regional tax dollars re-invested in Niagara-on-the-Lake.
My promise is Niagara-on-the-Lake first. My business experience and time on the town council and various committees allow me to positively get the job done. I have also been on the agricultural committee and the irrigation committee.
Residents want and need to be engaged, feeling that they contribute, and making a difference.
I believe that public engagement shapes our future.
I am available by phone, email, and social media.
Niagara-on-the-Lake and its needs are my commitment to you.
Regional Council Candidate William Roberts promises to champion NOTL interests
It is remarkable to me just how much power and influence the Niagara Region has over our lives in Niagara-
on-the-Lake, and yet, in my campaigning, to hear how little most residents know about it.
Owners of a $1 million home, for example pay $10,000 a year in property taxes, with over $6,000, 60 per cent, going to the Region.
In addition to all the regional services in policing, transportation, health and community services, housing and so on, there is also the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority, Niagara Parks Commission, Niagara Health and other commissions and agencies that oversee and influence what goes on in NOTL.
As regional councillor I will both champion NOTL’s interests to these regional bodies and ensure local residents are much more informed, aware and involved in regional decision-making. I plan to do this in part by opening a visible and accessible constituency office to enhance communication up and down, from the town to the region, even to Queen’s Park and Ottawa, to give greater voice to the priorities that NOTL deserves.
As a student, oddly enough, I loved math and physics, as well as music and theatre. Over time these interests led to me attaining a Master’s degree in divinity and then one in business. Professionally and personally my thinking is both data-driven and values-driven, a combination I will bring as your regional councillor.
One of the foremost values I take from the adage ‘don’t kill the goose that laid the golden egg.’ We have a golden community in so many ways, and it must not be tarnished by narrow, selfish interests.
A value I have spent a lifetime promoting is good health. Without good health in body, mind and spirit everything else is secondary. And yet we are increasingly lacking in health care providers and services at so many levels. It is not right that nurses get a one per cent increase while the province runs a surplus.
I also, with so many of you, value a healthy environment. Yet only 20 per cent of residents believe we are prepared for the effects of climate change on the town. Eileen and I from Virgil have six children and seven grandchildren who love to come to NOTL. Together we need to protect the future for all our children facing the ravages of our warming planet and loss of biodiversity. I stand by the data in the Climate Change Adaptation Plan, but there is much more we need to do.
There are many other values we share. With increased tracking and monitoring of solid data we can identify the trends to determine what priorities and actions we must take locally and regionally.
In the tributes to the late Queen Elizabeth II I often heard the words ‘servant leadership’ to describe her. I have always believed in public service and am eager to provide you with the servant leadership required by your regional councillor.