Each week we collect the contributions from our regular columnists as they appeared on notllocal.com and bring them to you in this post, just in case you missed them.
POV: Good health care fosters positivity during cancer treatment
NOTL Local editor Penny Coles shares some of her cancer story, thanking Dr. Durocher of the Niagara North Family Health team and raving about the care she and other local patients receive at the Walker Family Cancer Centre and Hamilton’s Juravinski Cancer Centre. She's a strong believer that a positive attitude can lead to postivie results especially with the right, effective care. Read her Point of View HERE.
Human brain had only small fraction of time to deal with modern tech, communication
Owen Bjorgan reflect this week on the speed of progress he's seen in his lifetime. Think about it - how long did we live with landllines, long distance calls, UHF and VHF television, radio and printed newspapers as our major forms of communication and news dissemination? And how much change has happened in just a few short decades? Read Owen's deep dive into the subject HERE.
View from the Couch: A review of 'Ticket to Paradise'
Julia Roberts and George Clooney have come together in five films now, including this 2022 rom-com available to watch on Netflix. Find out whether or not Donald Combe finds this film a must-watch experience or just a welcome diversion HERE.
Where's Ben?: Let us know where in NOTL Ben Foster is in today's photo
We hadn't seen Ben Foster out around town recently so we were thrilled to receive this latest photo from our intrepid explorer. If you want to take a shot at guessing where Ben is this week, click HERE to find out ow to send us your answer.
Ricky Rap: Love never fails
Each week, Niagara's own Rick Mills brings us his Ricky Rap, ten thoughts and offerings in rhythmic form about a topic of his choice,"intended to help us believe in and laugh at ourselves." This week the topic is LOVE.