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LETTER: Region must take initiative to improve safety along Lakeshore Road

Two fatalities at the exact same location on Lakeshore Road proves that something has to be done as soon as possible
A small memorial has started at the tree on Lakeshore Road, with flowers left by Shirley Madsen, and a note left by a loved one.

Niagara-on-the-Lake Local received the following letter about traffic safety on Lakeshore Road

Lakeshore Rd. in Niagara on the Lake has been the scene of numerous collisions of vehicles and fatalities over the years. The most recent two fatalities (within a year) of each other occured at the same location on Lakeshore Rd. 

Suffice to say in the past there have been several other fatalities on the same section of Lakeshore Rd within several hundred metres of the two aforementioned fatalities. 

To date the Niagara Region (responsible for Lakeshore Rd) and the Niagara Regional Police have not made or issued a public statement detailing the circumstances surrounding these accidents.

In addition, to my knowledge there has been no study, research, recommendations or details which can be implemented to reduce such accidents/fatalities.

The most recent article in one of NOTL newspapers suggested removing the tree where the two most recent fatalities occurred.  Unfortunately, the reporter of the article did little or no research in regards to the history of accidents involving this particular location or other locations on the same stretch of road.  

The Region of Niagara in conjunction with the Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake are obligated to put their collective resources together and introduce and implement changes based on the data/research available through the NRP.  

In addition, the number of cyclists travelling on Lakeshore Rd. has increased dramatically over the past several years, yet there has been no effort to address bicycle lanes or turning signs/instructions for cyclists turning into wineries.

When will the Niagara Region start to take some initiative and vision to deal with the increase in volume of traffic, speed  and cyclists on  Lakeshore Rd. 

The Media also need to be more responsible in their reporting and put more effort and research into obtaining data and facts before coming up with recommendations. 

The Chamber of Commerce should also be advocating for changes/improvements for the safety of tourists coming into Niagara-on-the-Lake and improved infrastructure for drivers and cyclists. This is the future of NOTL and the Niagara Region.

Finn Madsen

NOTL resident