Whether you’re an experienced gardener, or more of a greenhorn wanting to learn, you’ll find what you’re looking for at the Master Gardeners of Niagara Seedy Sunday event.
And whether you know it or not, others may be looking for just the seeds you have to swap.
Bev Campeau, chair of Seedy Sunday, says there will be Master Gardener volunteers available to help both those looking for seeds for their gardens, and others bringing in seeds they may need some help labeling.
It’s typically more experienced gardeners who harvest seeds, since beginners don’t necessarily know how to collect them, says Campeau. However, “it’s about 50/50” of those bringing in seeds to swap who will know whether their seeds are hybrids or not, which is important information in understanding what will be produced from the seed. By asking the right questions, volunteers should be able to glean enough information to label the seed packet.
If you bring your seeds in a glass jar or other container where you’ve stored them since the fall, volunteers are ready to package the seeds with information that includes the best place to plant them, and the kind of care the plant will need.
“All a beginning gardener would need to know is on the package, and we will fill in the information on seeds that are brought in,” says Campeau.
“We don’t want to discourage people from bringing in seeds. This event started with the idea of sharing seeds, and having a variety to swap. A seed sale has become an addition to the swap, for those who are new gardeners.”
There will be more than 2,000 seed packages for sale, at just 25 cents a package, adds Campeau.
Seeds will be sorted to ensure gardeners buy the right kind, including 200 different varieties of vegetables; 800 different kinds of native plant seeds good for pollinator gardens, such as milkweed and coneflower; and even seeds for trees.
As Campeau explains, “your garden doesn’t have to be 100 per cent native plants, but the more the better, and if you add a couple this year, and a couple more next year, you’re doing your part for the environment.”
There will also be workshops and talks from experts, and opportunities to meet garden-related vendors selling items such as bee houses and organic soil amendments, and to buy seeds from seed companies.
Talks by speakers throughout the day include Designing for Biodiversity; Benefits of Native Plants; Urban Homesteading; and ‘Tina’, A Painted Corn 16 Years In the Making.
Plus, master gardeners will have an advice clinic to answer gardening questions. “If your tomatoes had a black spot on them, we can help you. If they’ve been damaged by an insect, we can help you identify what kind of insect,” says Campeau.
Refreshments and light snacks will be available for purchase throughout the day.
And, says Campeau, bring the kids — there will be fun learning activities for them, such as planting a seed “to take it home, learn how to nurture it and see what happens. It will help kids learn what gardening is all about, and where their food comes from. Maybe it will encourage them to grow some potted tomatoes or lettuce themselves.”
The family-friendly event is on Sunday, Feb. 26, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., at St. Giles Church, 205 Linwell Rd., St. Catharines. Admission is free and parking is available. Food donations for the local food bank will be collected.
For more information on seed classification, seed collection, native seeds and seed germination or on the event itself, visit the Master Gardeners of Niagara website: mgniagara.com/seedy-sunday.