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Transgender Day of Remembrance to honour victims of anti-trans violence

Event will be held Nov. 20 at Silver Spire Church in St. Catharines
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The Niagara Transgender Action Coalition invites Niagara supporters to join us on Nov. 20, Transgender Day of Remembrance, for an event honouring the memory of transgender people who have lost their lives due to anti-transgender violence.

The event will be held at Silver Spire Church from 6 to 8 p.m., beginning with a candlelight vigil outside. Participants will move inside for a remembrance slideshow, refreshments and a musical performance by Colleen McTigue, facilitator of Transgender Niagara peer support group, says a coalition news release.

While progress has been made on human rights and equity for transgender people, they still face significant discrimination in all facets of society and experience hate crimes and violence.

This year’s TDoR events are especially significant given the recent rise in anti-2S&LGBTQ+ hate, including disinformation and protest movements intent on rolling back fact-based, age appropriate sex and gender curriculum in schools.

A huge blow was dealt recently by the Saskatchewan government, which invoked the notwithstanding clause to push through a law requiring consent from a parent or guardian when a student requests that their preferred name, gender identity, and/or gender expression be used at school.

Similar transphobic policies are being considered in other provinces including Ontario and Alberta.

The situation is even more dire in the U.S., where hundreds of pieces of legislation targeting gender-affirming care, bathroom access and pronoun use have been enacted.

These regulations create an unsafe environment for transgender youth and adults and erodes their hard-won human rights.

“I’m concerned about the changes I’m seeing,” says McTigue. “Transgender people are not ‘groomers,’ or a danger to children or adults. We have a right to exist in society with the same dignity and respect as anyone else. It pains me that we still need to observe this day of remembrance for all those transgender people affected by anti-trans violence. My hope is that one day, we will no longer have to observe this day.”

TDoR serves as a poignant reminder of the urgent need for social, legal, and systemic changes to ensure the safety, dignity, health and rights of transgender people.

Niagara is joining trans people and their allies across the globe in marking Transgender Day of Remembrance with events including candlelight vigils, marches, and educational programs to remember those who have been lost and raise awareness about the issues affecting transgender individuals. These events offer a platform for allies and advocates to come together and show their support for the transgender community, the news release says.

For more information, please contact: Colleen McTigue, Facilitator, Transgender Niagara, at [email protected]
