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View from the Couch: A review of House M.D.

One of the most widely watched television shows of all time, House M.D. ran on the Fox network from 2004 to 2012
Hugh Laurie played Dr. Gregory House for all eight seasons on this Fox Television program.

My only reason for tuning in to House M.D. (Netflix, eight seasons) was the name Hugh Laurie on the cast list.  His work as a British comedian I have greatly admired. Now that I have started watching this series I simply can not leave it alone even though there are countless episodes. Dr.House is a prickly, objectionable, brutally honest genius who, along with his colleagues, solves seemingly unsolvable medical mysteries. The writing is superb, and that linked with excellent acting makes for great storytelling.

Donald Combe is a retired English teacher who loves to go to the movies. Until he resumes going to theatres, he has graciously agreed to share his opinions, through "short and sweet" exclusives, of online series and movies for The Local.