In January 2025, members of the Niagara Regional Police Service (NRPS) started proactively attending cryptocurrency automated teller machine (ATM) locations to increase public awareness in the community in hope of reducing fraud.
Warning posters have been placed on cryptocurrency ATM machines/businesses throughout the Niagara Region to inform potential victims about fraudulent schemes.
While at a local business during the campaign, detectives observed an individual using a cryptocurrency ATM. During the conversation, it became evident that the individual was communicating with a fraudster and believed that their financial accounts were compromised. The scheme escalated when another fraudster impersonated a representative from the local Crown Attorney’s office, falsely claiming that an ongoing investigation required the victim to transfer funds to ensure their security. The victim believed the fraudulent claims and advised detectives that funds were previously sent through the cryptocurrency ATM on another date. Through the direct intervention of detectives during the campaign, an additional transfer of $10,000.00 was successfully prevented.
This incident highlights the importance of vigilance and the role of law enforcement in preventing further victimization. Fraudsters often exploit trust and fear, targeting individuals with sophisticated scams that can lead to devastating financial losses. Cryptocurrency transactions are irreversible, making it crucial to recognize and avoid scams before funds are transferred.
Resources for Potential Victims and Their Loved Ones
The NRPS encourages anyone who believes they are a victim of cryptocurrency fraud, or who knows someone who might be at risk, to take the following steps:
- Contact the Niagara Regional Police Service: Call (905) 688-4111 to file a report or seek assistance. Early intervention is the key to limiting the losses. Additional fraud prevention information can be found on our website Central Fraud Unit - Niagara Regional Police Service .
- Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre: Visit for detailed information about common scams and how to protect yourself.
- Family and Friends: If someone you know is at risk of being defrauded but is reluctant to believe it, reach out to local law enforcement for guidance. Detectives can provide support and advice to help potential victims understand the dangers.
- Verify Unknown Contacts: Verify any payment requests through official contact methods, such as numbers found on official websites, previous correspondence, or the back of your bank cards. Do not trust people who contact you, even if they know some of your personal information.