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LETTER: Queenston doesn't count

Resident frustrated with town's response to rainwater drainage issue

Niagara-on-the-Lake Local received the following Letter to the Editor from reader Jim, in regards to 

Niagara-on-the-Lake is one of the prettiest towns in Ontario, except Queenston. We don’t count!

I have been complaining to the town for about three years about the rain water creating pot holes and depositing stone in my driveway. The water just didn’t want to run uphill into the catch basin the way the town designed it to.

After many half-assed patch jobs they finally came and created a trench to the catch basin, and this is the completed job!!

I just contacted the town again and they said it’s not their problem.

They notified the cable company to come and bury the lines. I’m sure they’re not gonna repair the lawn.

Jim B.,
Queenston, Ont.