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LETTER: Why are some people against development in NOTL?

'I am quite surprised at the number of people who are against the proposed development at both the Parliament Oak and Mary St. properties in the news recently,' letter writer says
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Niagara-on-the-Lake Local received the following letter about proposed development at the Parliament Oak and Mary St. properties.

I have read many posts on social media and letters to the editor in the local papers. I am quite surprised at the number of people who are against the proposed development at both the Parliament Oak and Mary St. properties in the news recently.

Niagara-on-the-Lake has become a home for groups like SORE and POST, who feel it is their right to dictate development. How come people are against sharing our beautiful town with others who want to visit and those who would love to call NOTL their home?

People have moved here from many places and would not have been able to without the development that has occurred. Somehow though, a few of those new residents (as well as long-time residents) are against making it possible for others to visit or live here as they do. From what I read, it appears as though people would reject absolutely anything Mr. Marotta proposes, and that is sad.

Life is short; let's enjoy our community and share it with others.

Blair Cowan