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View from the Couch: A review of Dean Spanley

Peter O'Toole, Jeremy Northam, Bryan Brown and Sam Neill star in Dean Spanley (Prime, 2008) a film about reincarnation
Peter O'Toole stars in 'Dean Spanley' (Prime, 2008). Supplied/movie still

Dean Spanley (Prime, 2008) is a fascinating tale of reincarnation set in the eccentric world of the upper middle class of Edwardian England. Peter O’Toole as the aged father sets the tone over a hundred minutes of a somewhat silly story. But great performances provide a fresh look at reincarnation and make it all fascinating viewing.

Donald Combe is a retired English teacher who loves to go to the movies. Until he resumes going to theatres, he has graciously agreed to share his opinions, through "short and sweet" exclusives, of online series and movies for The Local.