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Ricky Rap: Do not be ashamed of your convictions

This week Rick is inspired by 'Ash Wednesday', the poem written by T.S. Eliiot around the time he formally declared himself to the Anglican church
Ricky Rap is a list of 10 thoughts and offerings from Niagara’s own Rick Mills.

Ricky Rap is 10 thoughts and offerings in rhythmic form from Niagara’s own, Rick Mills. Retired from the steel industry, he continues pastoral ministry in town. Ricky Rap is "intended to help believe in and laugh at ourselves." 

 1. I will not. 

 2. Be ashamed of my convictions. 

 3. Nor hold so tightly to them that my mind will never change. 

 4. It's okay not to be okay. 

 5. It's okay not to understand. 

 6. It's okay to win. 

 7. It's okay to lose. 

 8. It's okay. 

 9. A prayer... 

 10. Teach us to care and not to care.* 


 *T.S. Eliot