Someone should ask Sampson why she continually claims coyotes control rodents when not one single study proves her claim.
I'm also concerned about Sampson calling coyotes both a keystone and indicator species. Coyotes can help reduce damage causing meso-predators but coyotes negatively impact fox which are known to be more effective rodent consumers.
Someone please ask Sampson for a copy of her thesis on coyotes. If you ask for her thesis on the Coyote Watch Canada site, the comment gets deleted and you'll be blocked. What is she hiding?
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What exactly are Leslie Sampsons credentials? Does anyone in Coyote Watch Canada have legitimate expertise in coyote behavior and biology? It seems all they do is repeat the same things animal rights groups say in the states. Always blaming people.
Actual canid biologists in the states have been unable to show hazing as an effective tool to reinstall fear of humans in coyotes. Asking people to accommodate a large predatory mammal (aka coexist) doesn't address the coyote population management isdue. 60 to 90% of coyote females and 0 to 70% of yearling females produce litters of four to six pups annually. Without any natural predators other than man, and being omnivorous, any person with common sense would tell you coexistence literally makes the problem worse.
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Someone please ask Sampson for a copy of her thesis on coyotes. If you ask for it on the Coyote Watch Canada Facebook page the comment gets deleted and you'll be blocked. What is she hiding?
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