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International Women's Day

International Women's Day
'Mighty women' celebrated at International Women's Day event

'Mighty women' celebrated at International Women's Day event

Award-winning Rochelle Bush spoke about three women who changed the course of history.
Cadet volunteer and her daughter speak out about local squadron

Cadet volunteer and her daughter speak out about local squadron

As a part of our continuing International Women’s Day coverage, The Local asks three questions to both a young female cadet, Teia Epp, from the 809 Newark Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron, and her mother, Katie Kells, 809’s Sponsorship Squadron committee chair.
Celebrating women: Messages women share with their younger selves

Celebrating women: Messages women share with their younger selves

The Local is continuing what began as a celebration for International Women's Day, and we want to keep celebrating! We are asking women a simple question — what message would you give your younger self? We look forward to hearing from all of you, with your messages of hope, inspiration, gratitude, love, and whatever else you choose to share. Keep sending them to [email protected], and we'll keep publishing them. Please include a current photo and one of your younger self.
Happy International Women's Day! And to celebrate, women share messages to their younger selves

Happy International Women's Day! And to celebrate, women share messages to their younger selves

Please share this with a woman you admire and let her know her words will impact someone today - never be afraid to share your story. The Local is asking a simple question — what message would you give your younger self? Keep sending them to [email protected], and we'll keep publishing them. Please include a current photo as well as one of your younger self.
Messages from women to their younger selves

Messages from women to their younger selves

To celebrate International Women’s Day and honour women, The Local is asking a simple question — what message would you give your younger self? We look forward to hearing from all of you, with your messages of hope, inspiration, gratitude, love, and whatever else you choose to share. Keep sending them to [email protected], and we'll keep publishing them. Please include a current photo and one of your younger self.