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Dave Burket

Dave Burket

Dave Burket is Editor of PelhamToday. Dave is a veteran writer and editor who has worked in radio, print, and online in the US and Canada for some 40 years

[email protected]

Recent Work by Dave

It was a snowy, Seedy Saturday at the MCC

It was a snowy, Seedy Saturday at the MCC

Pelham dismisses planning director Barb Wiens

Pelham dismisses planning director Barb Wiens

Barbara Wiens served in her role for with Pelham for nearly nine years
Why victims of sexual crimes (still) rarely come forward

Why victims of sexual crimes (still) rarely come forward

We don't like our world turned upside down, says psychology Professor Kathryn Belicki, especially when it comes to people we're meant to trust.
Niagara This Week ceases publication

Niagara This Week ceases publication

Last printed paper was this week’s edition
More work by Dave >