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LETTER: Lakeshore rumble strips 'downright dangerous' to vulnerable road users

'I’ve witnessed tourists—unfamiliar with the area—struggle and react unpredictably to these invisible hazards,' a reader writes
Recently installed rumble strips on Lakeshore Road

The Niagara-on-the-Lake Local received the following Letter to the Editor from Greg Chapman about the new rumble strips on Lakeshore Road.

Dear Region and Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake,

I’m writing to express my serious concerns regarding the recently installed rumble strips on Lakeshore Road. As a long-time resident and daily cyclist on this stretch, I appreciate the safety improvements made, even with the loss of mature trees. However, these rumble strips present a clear danger to vulnerable road users, particularly cyclists.

While experienced cyclists like myself can adjust by moving into traffic, I’ve witnessed tourists — unfamiliar with the area — struggle and react unpredictably to these invisible hazards. The situation forces vehicles to pass dangerously close, often crossing into oncoming traffic, which requires moderated speed and driver attention — precisely the issue we aimed to address.

This road is a key advertised wine route, so tourist cyclists are at an even higher risk of accidents, particularly near the deep ditches and blind curves. Additionally, these divots will likely trap water and ice in the fall, worsening the already hazardous conditions.

The “sharrows” (bike lane markings) are insufficient, doing little to address speeding, driver attention, and reduced shoulder space. A dollop of road paint will not solve anything, and the regional traffic engineers know it. A proper solution would involve installing guardrails and creating a safer separation between traffic and cyclists on this deadly road. While costly, this aligns with Niagara’s Vision Zero initiative for safer roads.

I recommend that the Region immediately remove these rumble strips and address the situation properly before another preventable accident occurs. There is still time to correct this mistake now and ensure the safety of all road users.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Greg Chapman,